ID: com.plex.wifibygps
Version: 1.2
File Size: 0.4Mb
WiFi by GPS (Battery) Screenshots
WiFi by GPS (Battery) Info
NOTE: New Android versions (>= KitKat 4.4) support this natively, so you don't need this app. Instead look for the "Scanning always available" (usually on by default) in the Advanced WiFi settings.Are you short on battery life-span? Do you want fast geolocation from Google? Do you find yourself manually turning on WiFi when using a map?
This app will enable WiFi as long as an app requests GPS location (which means it wants your position).
On my smart watch, it meant saving a lot of battery while still getting approximate location quickly.
Android uses WiFi networks (even without actually connecting to one) to estimate your location, when GPS is not yet available. This estimation is pretty accurate in urban locations. But keeping the WiFi on all the time consumes a lot of battery, and toggling it all the time when using Google Maps is frustrating.
Why a notification? Android often kills background services that don't display a notification because it thinks they are not constantly needed. Since this app is mostly required when the device is most stressed, we'll need that to keep the service alive.
Does it consume battery running all the time? No. All this app has is a sleeping service, waiting for applications to request GPS location. It does not do anything while it waits, the operating system will wake it as soon as it's needed.
Why "Low Maturity"? GPS permissions is not for kids...