Version: 1.3.0
File Size: 5.6Mb
餐廳即時攞位-SeatFinder Screenshots
餐廳即時攞位-SeatFinder Info
香港首個餐廳搵位系統! 讓你可以在最後一刻才在餐廳留位,你不需要再等位,不需要再排隊!還在餐廳門口排長龍嗎? 使用SeatFinder,你永遠不需要再等位!
系統已開放尖沙咀、旺角區及銅鑼灣! 在尖沙咀、旺角及銅鑼灣區超過40間餐廳,你可以享受即時留位的便利! 一app在手,通行旺角、尖沙咀、銅鑼灣!
- 獲得餐廳實時座位狀況資訊,找到哪間餐廳快將有位
- 一鍵在快速餐廳留座
- 留座後餐廳會為你留枱最多三十分鐘
- 免費留座並獲取豐厚奬賞! (首次試用即賺$10 Mcdonald現金券,每次booking可賺$3積分,換取戲院門券,百佳現金券等優惠)
- 獲得餐廳價錢,食物種類及地址等有用資訊
- 在多間餐廳獲得即時留位服務,包括中菜 (如雞煲,四川)、日本菜及放題、泰國菜、西餐 (如美國菜,意大利菜,歐洲菜)、串燒、火鍋等)
Hong Kong��s first instant booking system! Reserve your table at the last minute and no more waiting for tables!
You are still waiting for seats? With Seat Finder you would never need to wait again!
The system is now opened for Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok and Causeway Bay. There are more than 40 restaurants in Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok and Causeway Bay which you can book instantly. With Seat Finder you never need to wait in Tsim Sha Tsui, Mong Kok and Causeway Bay!
- Getting real time table information of restaurants, knowing which restaurants have seats available
- Reserve tables in restaurants last minute just by one button!
- Restaurants can hold your table for up to 30 minutes
- Reserve free of charge and earn large bonus! (First time booking earn $10 Mcdonald coupon, every booking can earn up to $3 credits, which can be used to redeem supermarket, Cinema coupons)
- Useful information about restaurants such as price level, map, navigation, food review
- Large variety of restaurants such as Chinese food, Japanese food, Japanese Buffet, Thai Food, Western food (eg America, Italian, European food), BBQ, hotpot, etc
What's new in 餐廳即時攞位-SeatFinder 1.3.0
v1.2.51. Fix bug
2. 加入更多優惠
1. 更新地圖功能, 1公里內顯示導航
2. 更新攞位UI
3. 加入優惠
1. 加快運算速度
2. 改善UI
3. 改善地圖導航
4. 改善現金劵換取功能
1. 加入地圖導航系統
2. 加入旺角餐廳
3. 加入教學
4. 加入搜尋附近餐廳功能
5. 改善UI
1. 更清楚顯���餐廳狀況
2. 更新 UI
3. 解決返回鍵問題