Scan, Bag, Go 1.1 APK for Android

Scan, Bag, Go 1.1
File name: Scan,-Bag,-Go.APK
ID: com.kroger.scanbaggo
Version: 1.1
File Size: 6.2Mb

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Scan, Bag, Go Description

Use the SBG app to scan your items as you shop! Here’s how it works:

1. Use your smartphone to scan items as you put them in your cart. The app keeps a running total of your order.
2. Bag items as you go, organized just the way you like.
3. Checkout is fast and easy – just look for the Scan, Bag, Go logo on the self-checkout register. Scan your smartphone, pay and be on your way in just a minute!

To use the Scan, Bag, Go app (SBG), you'll need a Kroger Plus Card. You can scan your Card in the app, or if you don't have a Plus Card you can create a digital version at

The Scan, Bag, Go service is currently available only at select Kroger stores. This app can only be used when shopping in-store.

Current participating Scan, Bag, Go locations include:
Cold Spring - 375 Crossroads Blvd, Cold Spring, KY 41076
Loveland - 800 Loveland Madeira Rd, Loveland, OH 45140

What's new in Scan, Bag, Go 1.1

We made the following updates:
- Fix bug where SBG App freezes when not on WIFI
- Implement new scanning software
- Add progress indicator when app is in “in progress.”
- Improved battery performance
Scan, Bag, Go | 2 Reviewers | | Rating: 5

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