Radio Shabazi- Yemeni heritage 3.1.0 APK for Android

Radio Shabazi- Yemeni heritage 3.1.0
File name: Radio-Shabazi--Yemeni-heritage.APK
ID: rs.radioshabazi
Version: 3.1.0
File Size: 4.4Mb

Radio Shabazi- Yemeni heritage Screenshots

Free Radio Shabazi- Yemeni heritage APK
Free Radio Shabazi- Yemeni heritage APK
Free Radio Shabazi- Yemeni heritage APK for Android

Radio Shabazi- Yemeni heritage Info

Association for the Development and Conservation of ethnic music in the world.
Yemeni heritage.

Music and Content.

Listen, enjoy and keep the flame burning!

Application options:
- Equalizer: fine tuning of the sound depending on the output (headphones, speaker, handset or connecting an external amplification system input method).
- Recording: With or without a microphone absorption (poetry with the broadcast or recording clean).
- Page for visual displays of sound.
- Page to View the schedule.
- Shabazi's Chat page: read and send messages to Radio Shabazi's chat . (Also read by the editorial staff).
- Call button - call to the Radio Shabazi stuff: request songs, make suggestions or just say a good word.
- Rating and leaving a review on the app store apps: a lot of encouragement.
- Send a recommendation to a friend: spread the word and joy.
- Battery saving mode: disables the visual presentation on the main page and update chat messages on the main page.

Download, listen, enjoy and keep the flame burning!

Radio Shabazi.

Features of Radio Shabazi- Yemeni heritage 3.1.0

תיקוני באגים, שיפור ביצועים.
(אם אתם נתקלים בתקלות, אנא הודיעו לנו ב"צ'ט שבזי" כדי שנוכל להמשיך לשפר).
כל טוב לכולם.
Radio Shabazi- Yemeni heritage | 323 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.3

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