Painter Safety Forms 1.0 APK for Android

Painter Safety Forms 1.0
File name: Painter-Safety-Forms.APK
ID: com.ri.painter_safety_forms
Version: 1.0
File Size: 1.4Mb

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Lastest Painter Safety Forms APK for Android
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Painter Safety Forms Details

PaintingSafetyForms is a mobile app for completing common OSHA Safety Forms, EPA Safety Forms, and Safety Briefings in the field. Submitted forms are searchable/viewable/printable from any browser. Multiple users can be created within one account so that data collection and form completion are easily delegated to users in your organization who are closest to the data (staff, subs, employees, etc.)

All form data is securely stored in the cloud and accessible from anywhere, any time. No more missing, lost, or incomplete safety forms.

To get started, what is your role in the business?


Using the app requires you to login in with the user id and password you were provided with by the business owner or general manager. Simply download the app for FREE, log in and get started.


Before you can use this app, you must have a Desktop Dashboard account. Create your Desktop Dashboard account by visiting The cost is a recurring $20 monthly fee that is processed through the dashboard. Your Desktop Dashboard account id and password also serve as your user id and password for the mobile app.

Additional users can be created in the Desktop Dashboard by selecting Add User. Each additional user is charged at $5 per month.

Once you have created a Desktop Dashboard account, download the FREE mobile app on your smartphone or tablet.

Manage submitted forms from the Desktop Dashboard. You can view, search, sort, and download in PDF format any of your submitted forms.


Captures the Right Data

Forms specifically designed to address common OSHA and EPA requirements
Intuitive checklists tailored for the residential and commercial painting industry
Touch screen signatures captured in all the appropriate places
Pictures taken with the device’s camera inserted for visual confirmation

Makes Your Safety Data Accessible Anywhere

As a ‘native app’, forms can be completed without internet coverage and upload automatically when coverage is restored
Submitted forms reside in the cloud, secure and accessible from all common browsers

Keeps Your Safety Data Organized & Searchable

No more lost, missing, or incomplete safety forms
Search submitted forms by job/customer name, user, form name, form type, or date range
Monitor and validate staff and crews are completing documentation from your office

Allows Multi-User Flexibility

Easily add, remove, and manage additional users as you desire
A user’s login works across multiple devices
Multiple users can work on a shared device

Improves Safety Easily

Each form can be completed in just a couple of minutes
Inspection forms identify hazards for correction and reduce future accidents
Safety Briefing forms drive home common safe work practices for painters

Protects Your Business

Avoid or reduce costly fines for non-compliance
Reduce accidents and injuries that distract you from running your business
Limit the invasiveness of investigations and regulatory inspections

The App enables you to easily Document Painting Safe Work Practices like:

Capturing the Right Data:
Checklists, signatures, and pictures are inserted into all the right places

Access Anywhere:
This true ‘native app’ means the forms you need are handy when and where you need them

Organized & Searchable:
See which forms have been completed, search by job, date, user, and form type No more hunting for lost, misplaced, or incomplete form

Easily Improve Safety:
Quick and easy documentation instills a safety-first focus with your workers

Control, empower and delegate form completion to those closest to the information
Protect Your Business

Protect Your Business:
A ‘safety first’ mentality results in dramatically fewer accidents Proof of compliance means fewer fines and lower fine amounts from compliance officers.

What's new in Painter Safety Forms 1.0

Added Spanish description in Safety Briefings Forms.
Painter Safety Forms | 5 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.8

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