NSA photo spy (geolocation) 1.25 APK for Android

NSA photo spy (geolocation) 1.25
File name: NSA-photo-spy-(geolocation).APK
ID: de.appyo.geoshots
Version: 1.25
File Size: 2.8Mb

NSA photo spy (geolocation) Screenshots

Download NSA photo spy (geolocation) APK
Download NSA photo spy (geolocation) APK
Free NSA photo spy (geolocation) APK

NSA photo spy (geolocation) Description

Look around, which photos are posted in your area! With the free NSA photo spy photo you discover geocoded photos from all over the world that have been publicly posted on different providers like Flickr, Instagram, Places or Snapr. all displayed on a map! Discover what's happening in your area, which is photographed in other cities and on other continents. Simple and clear on a map, no matter where you are registering. Always up to date. The perfect search tool for journalists, bloggers and news enthusiasts who want more photos than the media show. Directly from the news spots on this planet.
Simply the marker on the map to move and display by double-clicking the photos. Wait and see what exactly is being posted around you or elsewhere in the world of users.
Switch to the augmented view - and you look the pictures before the environment. Parts of images directly on WhatsApp, Facebook or other apps.

- Updated NSA (net surveillance application)
- Worldwide Google Local Search - addresses, points of interests, cities, regions, etc.
- Customize Search Settings: Choose from which services you want to include in your search and I set the radius of the search
- Augmented View! Found photos directly into an augmented reality view!
(especially handy for Search vicinity of the current location)

Photo NSA spy uses the APIs of Instagram, Flickr, Places Snapr and services, but is not associated with these providers or certified by them. We claim no rights to the photos that were made ​​and released. After the issuance or publication of the content via these services all rights to this content remain with the respective author. NSA spy photo shows only photos that have been published already geocoded by the authors.

What's new in NSA photo spy (geolocation) 1.25

GeoShots: 1.13:
- Worldwide Google Location Search - Address, Points of Interests, Cites, Regions and more.
- Adjust your search: Choose the Services you want to include ("all" is standard) and set the search radius
- Augmented View!! See the pictures in an augmented reality view! (especially when you search around you current position)
- Bugfixes
NSA photo spy (geolocation) | 114 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.6

Download NSA photo spy (geolocation) 1.25 APK

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