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How to make money with 40 ways The way our economy and society works financially has changed. While people used to go out into the workforce to find additional jobs in order to make extra money, more people are now looking to earn money online instead. This additional income can make a big difference, and can even grow into a profitable home business. Making money online is perfect for stay-at-home parents or for people who want a secondary income sourceLots of us have been struggling to make ends meet for the past few years. And if you've been scrimping and saving, but things are still tough, then the idea of making a bit of extra cash probably sounds very appealing.
And it's actually much easier than it sounds - and you don't need to resort to doing a paper round to make more money (although if you want to, it's a great way to get more exercise too!). There's loads of ways to get some extra income, perhaps you have a skill that you could sell, a room or driveway you could rent out or just some free time that you could use to get paid to take part in market research or doing someone else's ironing.
Here we've got 40 ideas of easy ways for you to make more money. Whether you want a few extra pounds here and there, or you need hundreds more a month, there's something that'll suit you and we guarantee there'll be a few ideas you've never thought of before.