Mathematics for children. 0.0.1 APK for Android

Mathematics for children. 0.0.1
File name: Mathematics-for-children..APK
ID: matematicas.paraninos
Version: 0.0.1
File Size: 4.1Mb

Mathematics for children. Screenshots

Lastest Mathematics for children. APK
Free Mathematics for children. APK for Android
Lastest Mathematics for children. APK

Mathematics for children. Description

This application is intended to supplement mathematics learning for your children learned in school. To this end, we provide a set of instructional videos with your children strengthen math skills in an enjoyable and fun through educational games.
Another goal we wanted to accomplish is to give some tips to parents on the best ways and methods of teaching mathematics to younger, for which some videos on this dot. Thus, we want to make an application for learning for both parents (teach teach) as small. We recommend the first video where you will learn to produce a game to teach counting.
In addition, with this application your children will not only learn mathematics but also begin learning new languages, as it is an App trilingual (Spanish, English and Portuguese). Only with change at the top left of the language you will get your child to learn numbers in another language.
The videos are organized by levels: the first to learn to count; the following to learn how to add and subtract; then some to learn the multiplication tables; another series to learn how to multiply and divide; and lastly, some of the most simple geometric shapes.
Learn, have fun and be happy. Meets our formula: L + F = BH.

Source: Youtube.

Mathematics for children. | 15 Reviewers | | Rating: 4.1

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