ID: com.kristo.maasaimarasightings
Version: 2.0.1
File Size: 1Mb
Maasai Mara Sightings Screenshots
Maasai Mara Sightings Details
Please read help for features and instructions.This application is a live animal tracking tool for Maasai Mara National Reserve. It is very simple to use, if you see a animal, simply click on the appropriate button at the top of the screen. Your current GPS coordinate is used and the data is uploaded to the server for other users to see.
View sightings nearest to you or in order that they were tagged.
In View mode you can chose to only view certain animals, to enable view mode click and hold on a animal from the list. Add more animals to view mode or deselect animals by clicking on them once in view mode. To exit view mode click on the white cross on the left side of the screen or by clicking the back button.
You can still track animals if you don't have network coverage. A 'Resend' button will appear at the top left of the screen, simply click this button when you have network coverage again.
To see if new animals have been spotted, click the 'Refresh' button at the top of the screen
Any user that abuses the system will be added to the black list, these users will still be able to view sightings but wont be able to add new ones.
You need network coverage to open the app (to load the map)
Please leave a review and let me know if you have any recommendations for the app.
PS, tell your friends about the app please, this application will be pretty useless if only a few people use it..
This app also works for Olare Orok Conservancy and Naboisho Conservancy
Feel free to donate: 1JuwdC7tYn9KUDeFB5gtrpWs2hLNaGSG4g
Thank you and enjoy!