Donut’s ABC:Sports 1.1 APK for Android

Donut’s ABC:Sports 1.1
File name: Donut’s-ABC:Sports.APK
ID: com.koolearn.english.sports
Version: 1.1
File Size: 37Mb

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Donut’s ABC:Sports Description

Koolearn is proud to launch its revolutionary English learning product for kids, Donut’s, with game-based exploring learning method, exercising kids’ native English listening skills in a pure English environment and enlightening their English learning skills through a variety of interesting games.

Application range: 2-8 years old children

Difficulty range: ladder-like distribution of contents’ difficulty, adaptable for kids without any English knowledge and also for elementary students with low level English ability. .

Curriculum: Contents will be updated every month, focusing on daily life with features of current seasons, holidays, and events, e.g., Christmas will be featured in December’s curriculum, New Year will be featured in January’s curriculum, and spring will be featured in April’s.


1. Designed by twenty plus kid English language teaching experts both home and abroad, manifesting the core of New Oriental’s child English teaching experience

2. Voice is totally recorded by American experts, ensuring a perfect native English speaking environment.

3. Child psychologists offer joint efforts on course designing and story writing; containing the concept “optimism into character shaping” in the product design.

4. Produced by China’s top musicians and artists, allocating a large amount of money to provide high quality language learning products for kids.

Unit Six 《Donut’s ABC:Sports》

 In this Unit, kids will learn the English names of the conventional sports in their daily life. The purpose of this unit is to help kids understand the different sports so that they could do more exercises. Sports could not only build their bodies, but also improve their team spirits.

Game never missed out

1. Running:one of the most common sports, this game will let kids enjoy the pleasure of contest.

2. Long jump: a small game which could use both hands and brain. The small animals compete with each other with the help of a slingshot. Who can jump farthest?

3. A small game which can test the kids learning result. If the kid find out the right word, he can change the sticker in his hand into a bigger one. Test the kids’ learning result in an easy game and improve their learning enthusiasm.

There are more funny games in this unit, just try it!


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Donut’s ABC:Sports | 27 Reviewers | | Rating: 3.4

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