ID: tv.mayer.contactsanalysis
Version: 0.48
File Size: 0.4Mb
Contacts DB Analysis Screenshots
Contacts DB Analysis Details
This application is not intended to be used by a "normal" user. It was developed to be used for Android programmers which deal with the ContactsContract database. Originally it was designed for my own use. But maybe you can profit too.The Android OS provides several Classes to access different tables for the contacts DB. The following Classes, respectively tables can be queried:
* ContactsContract.RawContacts
* ContactsContract.Contacts
* ContactsContract.Groups
* ContactsContract.Data
* ContactsContract.SyncState
* ContactsContract.RawContactEntity
* ContactsContract.CommonDataKind.GroupMembership
* ContactsContract.AggregationExceptions
* Accounts
Additional there is also a delete function available.
This one allows account based delete operation of contacts in the contacts DB. The delete filter gives the possibility of fine tuning the delete process.
In any case read carefully the HELP ( Options Menu -> Help ) to find out all possibilities and features of this app. I hope this app can help you during the development of your own app.
If you have an idea to improve this app be so kind and let me know. Any feedback is welcome.
What's new in Contacts DB Analysis 0.48
2013/01/09 V 0.01 first lines of code2014/02/15 V 0.35 first published version at Google play store
2014/02/22 V 0.39 bug fix version
2014/02/24 V 0.41 additional documentation
2014/04/14 V 0.43 improved parser with JavaCC
2014/05/03 V 0.44 big lists with BackgroundThread ; bug fix
2014/05/24 V 0.45 additional statistics page
2014/06/06 V 0.46 account based delete function
2014/12/08 V 0.48 prepared for Android 5.0 Lollipop ( SDK 21 )