ID: air.redrom.carveit
Version: 2.0.1
File Size: 13Mb
Carve It! (Halloween) Screenshots
Carve It! (Halloween) Details
Ah, Halloween. Who doesn't love carving those iconic gourds, the jack-o’-lantern? But then again, who enjoys jamming their arm in up to the elbow and scooping out those sticky, gooey guts? Well, with the Carve It! app, you can carve your pumpkin without the mess, and with the added benefit that these masterpieces won’t ever rot or end up out in the street in a thousand pieces.Of course, if you do still love carving your pumpkins each year, Carve It! makes a great tool for working out the details of your designs before slicing into that bright orange flesh. You’ve only got one shot with a real pumpkin, but with Carve It! you can carve endlessly, and save all your creations to the Android gallery to enjoy for years to come, or send on to your friends.
And, better yet, unlike carving in the real world, if you’re unhappy with your carvings you can also "uncarve" your pumpkin. Uncarving lets you restore the pumpkin’s skin by drawing over previously carved areas. Also, new this year, you can draw on the pumpkin with a rainbow of colors, as well as carve and draw with a variety of new shapes, 20 in all!
• Carve pumpkins using your finger or a stylus.
• Draw on the pumpkin’s skin with a rainbow of colors.
• Choose from a wide variety of shapes to carve and draw with.
• Uncarve areas of the pumpkin by selecting “uncarve” from the mode menu.
• Change the size of the carving/drawing shape using the size slider.
• Undo and redo your last movement.
• Save your carved pumpkins as a JPEG image to the Android gallery.
Features of Carve It! (Halloween) 2.0.1
• Now you can draw on the pumpkin with a rainbow of colors!• Carve and draw with 20 exciting new shapes!
• Use the new mode menu to easily switch between carving, uncarving, drawing and erasing.
• The new color picker let’s you choose from the entire gamut of colors to draw with!
• Use the improved size slider to quickly change the carving/drawing shape from 1 to 500 pixels!
• Undo and redo your last movement.