ID: com.Oryon.calcformulas
Version: 1.0
File Size: 3.9Mb
Calculator And Formulas Screenshots
Calculator And Formulas Description
CalcAndFormulas is a simple CalculatorCalcAndForumlas dosen't have to many function but it has just the right numer to help you when you need it
CalcAndForumlas includes:
*5 different themes with different soundeffects each one
*Some of the most used Geometric Formulas
*Some Astronomic Constants and Formulas
-Close on Shake service
-Forced screen on service
-Buttons with vibrations
-Buttons with sound effects
Have you ever needed a Cacluclator and found it, but it had to many function and to many thins to complicate your life, than this is the perfect app for you!
Tags: Calculator, Calculator theme, theme, Calculator and Formulas, Formulas, Formula Calculator, Formula, Calculator Formula, Scientific Calculator, scientific, astronomy, astronomic, Geometry Formulas, geometry, geometricformulas, Math Formulas