AntiSnore lite 1.52 APK for Android

AntiSnore lite 1.52
File name: AntiSnore-lite.APK
ID: com.antisnore
Version: 1.52
File Size: 2.8Mb

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AntiSnore lite Details

The program is based on a real medications (which costs about $ 50). The prototype is worn on the arm like a watch. Fixing the sound of snoring, the prototype forces you to get out of deep sleep (but not to wake up at all). But if, for example, the hand is under the blanket (which happens often), the prototype does not work.
The interface is available in 29 languages.
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When you make an assessment or write a comment, please note. We do not claim to have invented the ultimate (and universal) way to stop snoring. We only suggest that you try one of the options for free. And this method is based on the actual medications that you would have to buy (at least $ 50).
We have developed a simple but effective way to stop snoring. When the application captures the sound of snoring, the phone gently awakens the person. Not fully awaken, but to bring out of a deep sleep, causing the change position. In this case, 87% of participants stopped snoring.
The main idea of the program. If that method does not work (for you personally), you know it, without paying for an expensive device.
Program awakens by three methods (the user can choose any): flash, vibration, unpleasant sound. In the full version, you can select all three simultaneously.
First. The sound of snoring is not pleasant, according to aesthetic reasons. Second, prevents good sleep. Third, snoring can cause headaches and difficulty breathing.
The program allows you to program a very fine adjustment of the calibration and activation. You can select the frequency and duration of sound, vibration, flashes. After a while you will realize what kind of impact you need you to stop snoring. Some people will need only one short sound (squeak insect). To another will affect frequent flash diode and screaming angry cat.

There are two versions of the program.
1. Lite.
- There are ads.
- No ability to load your own sounds.
- Contains some of the limitations in the settings.

2. Complete.
- No advertising.
- You can load your sounds.
- A wide range of settings.
- More preset sounds.
- Ability to automatically turn off after one activation.
If you like the app, support us by purchasing the full version.

- The program does not distinguish between snoring, coughing, or voice. And it will be activated by any sound exceeding the threshold of activity.
- When you exit the program, the program is deactivated.
- If the user has set the interval of activity, it is still necessary to enter into the program. In order for the program to be activated at a certain time. The phone itself will not start the program.
- The phone is desirable to place near the head. To ensure that the program was able to hear the sound of snoring.
- It is desirable that the phone was on charge in the active program.
- The glow of the screen is designed for tablet, which is brighter than the telephone.
- If the user does not sleep alone, he can put the phone on the other hand, not to awaken a sound or flash neighbor.
- So that the program (through vibration or sound) is not activated itself, provided the delay between the activation of 10 seconds. That is, the program can not be activated twice in a row.

Features of AntiSnore lite 1.52

- Fixed a lot of bugs.
- New design.
- Lite-version now almost has all features of the Full version.
AntiSnore lite | 149 Reviewers | | Rating: 2.8

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